Fortress of the Fallen Angels

Fortress of the Fallen Angels was a small project I developed during university. I used it both to explore a 3D art style I was developing, and to learn Unreal Engine 4, level design and event scripting (I was studying animation at the time, rather than game development, so alongside Parsnip this was my first actual game!). The player is challenged to explore a large, 'Dark Souls style' interconnected level and piece together what has happened to the fortress. As they play they can find collectables, open up new paths, meet some dangerous AI monsters with different behaviours and avoid deadly environmental hazards. By exploring the level thoroughly the player can unlock new methods to deal with enemies such as the Giant Tortoise boss. You can download it here! (Note, for some reason the 32 bit build is more stable on Windows 10+, how odd!)

A short video showcasing the game. Some in progress images of the fortress, from initial sketches to 3D in engine. Footage of the main path through the game (not including the optional tortoise 'boss'!).